Presentations and Academic Publications
Orchid ID 0000-0002-4316-5425
Casey L (2024) (forthcoming) Adult Learning and Digital World Literacy in ‘Critical Perspectives on Adult, Community and Further Education’ Edited by O’Neill, J and Fitzsimons, C., Anthem Press, London
Casey L, Bo C, Seng S, Sam C, Pheung P, Tinnelly D, (2024) Building Professional Identity for Khmer Teachers (PIKT). 37th International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement (ICSEI) TCD, January
Kennelly I, Casey L, (2024) Innovation, Commitment and Capability: A partnership approach to creating new pathways for post primary students in Ireland. 37th International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement (ICSEI) TCD, January
Casey L (2023) Keynote presentation: Transformative Learning for Challenging Times delivered at the launch of The Adult Learner Journal 2023, AONTAS online event 8th of December.
Casey L, (2023) Keynote presentation: Lifelong, Worldwide and Values Deep the Power of Transformative Learning for Sustainability at the SAOLTA/Development Perspectives Showcase Event in Dunamoise Arts Centre, Portlaoise on 10th of November
Casey, L (2023) The Compelling Case for Transformative Learning and Climate Change, The Irish Times, 14th of September. Read here
Casey L (2022) Learning Across the Lifespan: Self-direction, Identity and Participation as key drivers of Lifelong Learning. AONTAS’ Imagining Adult Education series, 11th November 2022 (Delivered On-Line).
Casey L (2022), Pheung P, Phan S, The Challenge of Building Teacher Professional Identity in Cambodian Schools. CARN Conference 2022, National College of Ireland, Dublin October 30th.
Casey L (2022) Co-organising chair of Festival of Education and Lifelong Learning at National College of Ireland June 1st and 2nd
Casey, L. (2021 -) Research Award Principal Investigator of Irish Research Council Coalesce on What makes a good teacher? The challenge of enhancing teacher professional identity and capability in Cambodian schools. Full details here
Casey, L. & Oke, M. (2021) Development of Teacher Functionality through Mindful Reflection of Teaching Moments. Paper presented at the Irish Conference of Engaging Pedagogy (ICEP) Dublin City University Dec 14th)
Video Cast 17th November 2021: Leo Casey, Brett Becker & Megan O’Connor Respond to the Question: What do you think teaching and learning in higher education in Ireland will look like in 2030? [Part of the National Forum for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education series] Watch here
Casey, L (2021) Aontas, The Adult Learner, Review of the book: Learning Education’s Ecosystems: Learning through Life by Bertram C Bruce
Casey, L. & Oke, M. (2021) Development of Teacher Functionality through Mindful Reflection of Teaching Moments. Paper presented at the Irish Conference of Engaging Pedagogy (ICEP Dec 14th 2021)
Casey L and Emmett Y (2020) of the Centre for Education and Lifelong Learning hosted workshop Contemporary Questions for Adult Educators workshop for adult educators in Dublin’s NEIC organised in association with the Dublin Adult Learning Centre as part of the Aontas Adult Learner Festival.
Casey L (2020) Reflective Thinking on Reflective Practice, Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) Conference DCU Dublin (On-line) 4th of September
Casey L (2020) ‘My Digital Self’ How identity and desire influence learning for digital skills. Presentation at DESLA Multiplier Event hosted by Irish Rural Link (On-line)
Casey L (2020) Five Questions for Adult Educators, Presentation at Aontas Community Education Network (On-line) 22nd of May 2020 Watch here
Casey L (2019) Reclaiming the Agenda for Lifelong Learning delivered at the Professional Development Conference of the National Association of VTOS Co-ordinators (NAVC), October 10th Westport.
Casey, L (2018) Six Competence Dimensions of College Teaching A Framework for Professional Development, International Conference on Engaging Pedagogy (ICEP) DCU Dec 2018. [View Paper]
Casey, L & Rudnitski, R (2018) Sustainability: An Essential Question for Educators Everywhere delivered at International Association of Jesuit Business Schools (IAJBS) 2018 Conference, University of Seattle, July 2018.
Casey, L (2017) ‘Here’s me writing code’ Digital skills and the transformation of learning identity in non-traditional college students, Delivered at EDTech 2017 June, IT Sligo.
Casey, L (2016) Learning to Participate – Motivating Adult Learners. Delivered at the Staff Development Day of Limerick & Clare Education & Training Board (LCETB), Dromoland, Co.Clare 2nd of December 2016.
Casey, L (2016) Adult Learning and Participation – An Historical and Future Perspective. Delivered at the Annual Conference of the National Association of Adult & Community Education Directors (NACED). Newpark Hotel, Kilkenny 1st of December 2016.
Casey, L (2015) Participation as Telos for Learning in Handbook of Progressive Education Edited by Mustafa Yunus Eryaman and Bertram C Bruce, Peter Lang Publishing NY.
Casey, L (2014) Questions, Curiosity and the Inquiry Cycle. E-Learning and Digital Media. Volume 11 Number 5
Casey, L (2014) Using Activity Theory to Investigate Classroom Practice in Further Education. Delivered at International Society for Activity Theory Research (ISCAR) 2014, Sydney, Australia October 1st 2014.
Casey, L (2014) Learning the Lifelong Quest: Pathways to Participation in a Digital World Delivered at the NALA International Adult Literacy Day Seminar, DCU 8th of September 2014. Watch here
Casey, L. & Egan, A. (2014) C21 Competence for the 21st Century. Workshop delivered as part of the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education ‘Transitions Series’. National College of Ireland 9th of May 2014.
Casey, L. (2014) Learning, Open Communication and Participation in Activities. Sligo School Project Annual Symposium. Sligo, 5th of April, 2014.
Casey, L. (2014) Diffusion of Innovation. Presented at the Computers in Education Society of Ireland (CESI) Conference. GMIT, Galway ,28th February 2014.
Casey, L. & Egan, A. (2014) Skills for the 21st Century. Delivered at the Teaching and Learning in Further Education Conference, National College of Ireland, 24th of January 2014.
Casey, L (2013) Learning Beyond Competence to Participation. International Journal of Progressive Education. Vol. 9 (2).
Casey L (2013) Diffusion of Innovations: A Useful Model for Understanding and Managing the Technology Uplift for Teaching and Learning in Organisations. Delivered at EdTech 2013, UCC Cork 30th of May 2013.
Casey L. (2013) Teaching to Learn and Learning to Teach. Delivered at the Teaching and Learning in Further Education Conference, National College of Ireland, 25th of January 2013.
Hallissy, M & Casey L (2013) Live Learning: Online Teaching, Digital Literacy and the Practice of Inquiry TEL Ireland Journal. Vol. 1 (1) Available from
Casey L & Hallissy M. (2012) Live Learning and Digital Literacy. Delivered at EdTech 2012, NUI Maynooth 31st of May 2012. Videostream available at
Bruce, B.C. & Casey, L (2012) The Practice of Inquiry: A Pedagogical ‘Sweet Spot’ for Digital Literacy? Computers in the Schools. Vol. 29 1-16.
Casey, L & Kyofuna, S (2011). Finding Pedagogy for Blended Learning. International Conference on Engaging Pedagogy 2011. Dec. 16th 2011, National College of Ireland, Dublin. Available from
Casey, L & Bruce B.C. (2011). The Practice Profile of Inquiry: connecting digital literacy and pedagogy. E-Learning and Digital Media. Vol. 8 (1) 76-85.
Casey L, (2010) Blended not Scrambled: Pedagogic Design for the 21st Century College Student. Delivered at the NAIRTL/LIN Conference Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. 6-7 October 2010. Available at
Casey L, (2010) Questions, Curiosity and the Inquiry Cycle. Presentation at Festschrift for Chip Bruce, University of Illinois, 25th of September 2010.
Casey, L & Bruce, B.C. (2010). Sustaining the Inquiry Cycle: Digital Literacy Reframed. In D. Gibson & B. Dodge (Eds.), Proceedings of the Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2010 (pp. 1372-1379). Chesapeake, VA: AACE. Available from
Casey L, (2009) Pathways to Participation in the Digital World. Presentation to the NALA Adult Literacy Organisers Conference. 23rd of April 2009.
Casey, L (2009) Pathways to Competence and Participation in the Digital World. NUIM PhD Dissertation. Available from
Casey, L Bruce, B. C., Martin, A., Shiel, G., Brown, C., Hallissy, M., et al. (2009). Digital literacy: New approaches to participation and inquiry learning to foster literacy skills among primary school children. Report funded by the Department of Education and Science. Available from
Casey, L (2008) Conceptions of Digital Literacy: Implications for Research Design. Paper presented at the Ed Tech 2008 The Ninth Annual Irish Educational Technology Users Conference DKIT.
Casey L, (2008) Organic Teaching and How Digital Media Make it Possible. Forum of the Irish Media Research Network Annual Conference Maynooth, MediaForum Pre-Conference Panel. 20th of September 2008. Copy of talk available at
Casey L, (2008) Learning at Work: Individual Concerns and Organisational Responses. Presentation to the joint NCI and NCPP Learning at Work Conference. 15th of May 2008. Available at
Casey L, (2008) Skills and Competence – A Lifespan Perspective. Presentation to the INTO Trainers Group Conference 23rd of October 2008. Available at
Casey L, (2008) Blended learning and Skills: Learning from KESP and Know IT. Presentation to Dublin City Council Skills Conference. 28th of April 2008. Available at