
Casey, L (2015) Participation as Telos for Learning in Handbook of Progressive Education Edited by Mustafa Yunus Eryaman and Bertram C Bruce, Peter Lang Publishing NY.

Casey, L (2014) Questions, Curiosity and the Inquiry Cycle. E-Learning and Digital Media. Volume 11 Number 5

Casey, L (2013) Learning Beyond Competence to Participation. International Journal of Progressive Education. Vol. 9 (2). Available from

Hallissy, M & Casey L (2013) Live Learning: Online Teaching, Digital Literacy and the Practice of Inquiry TEL Ireland Journal. Vol. 1 (1) Available from

Bruce, B.C. & Casey, L (2012) The Practice of Inquiry: A Pedagogical ‘Sweet Spot’ for Digital Literacy? Computers in the Schools. Vol. 29 1-16.

Casey, L & Kyofuna, S (2011). Finding Pedagogy for Blended Learning.  International Conference on Engaging Pedagogy 2011. Dec. 16th 2011, National College of Ireland, Dublin. Available from

Casey, L & Bruce B.C. (2011). The Practice Profile of Inquiry: connecting digital literacy and pedagogy.  E-Learning and Digital Media. Vol. 8 (1) 76-85.

Casey, L & Bruce, B.C. (2010). Sustaining the Inquiry Cycle: Digital Literacy Reframed. In D. Gibson & B. Dodge (Eds.), Proceedings of the Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2010 (pp. 1372-1379). Chesapeake, VA: AACE. Available from

Casey, L (2009) Pathways to Competence and Participation in the Digital World.  NUIM PhD Dissertation.  Available from

Casey, L Bruce, B. C., Martin, A., Shiel, G., Brown, C., Hallissy, M., et al. (2009). Digital literacy: New approaches to participation and inquiry learning to foster literacy skills among primary school children. Report funded by the Department of Education and Science. Available from

Casey, L (2008) Conceptions of Digital Literacy: Implications for Research Design. Paper presented at the Ed Tech 2008 The Ninth Annual Irish Educational Technology Users Conference DKIT.

Casey, L (1988) Learning from Television: A Study of the Effects of Different Levels of Explicitness and the Influence of Spatial Ability on Learning of Visual Concepts and Principles.  Masters Dissertation, Dublin City University