Really Useful Websites on Learning and Teaching
As a follow-up to my previous blog on the Top Ten Insights on Learning I would like to provide a list of web sources and resources that may act as good places to start with insights on learning and teaching.
I’ll try to give a brief description of each and why it makes the cut for me.
Starting Points: Aggregation Sites
Theory into Practice (TIP)
Greg Kearsley has put together an excellent resource that deals with a wide variety of learning theories. This is an excellent starting point and it will give the beginner a good appreciation of the breath of theories and their practical applications.
Emtech’s Learning Theories
This is another excellent starting point with a comprehensive list of learning theory orientations. What I like about this list is that each section is authored by a different person and you can cite each as an individual resource.
Martyn Ryder’s Instructional Design Models
Martyn Ryder’s very comprehensive listing of instructional design and learning theory resources -this site is well maintained, comprehensive and deals with an wide expanse of theoretical orientations.
Learning and Teaching
Teaching Tips Index
This is another great starting point for lot’s of interesting exploration. The index is compiled by the faculty development team at Honolulu Community College. I’ve looked at many of these teacher development sites and I have to say this is certainly one of the best!
Angles on Learning
James Atherton’s resource for called: An introduction to ideas about learning for college, adult and professional education – brings together ideas about learning for college, adult and professional education. Great piece of work!
The ETL Project
This project sought to identify evidence-based good practice in teaching-learning environments for a range of undergraduate courses.
National Survey of Student Engagement If you are genuinely interested in what goes on in college classrooms then this site dealing with an extensive US research project is a good place to start.
Doing What Works
This is a US Government site that promotes research-based educational practices. This resource is particularly relevant for primary and second level teachers.
Learning Research
The Education Resources Information Center – a search-able database containing loads of journal articles and other resources on education and learning.
Education and Policy
European Commission
The Education and Training Directorate of the European Commission – a good starting point for EU and national policy documents.
One Comment
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